
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Beautiful Sunday

We have full sun today.  Yeah!!!

Of all the pieces that were in the kiln this week fired to cone5 this is my favorite.  It is a short and stout little thistle with lots of personality.  I already have it started in a necklace for my friend MaryAnne in Arizona.  Today I will make some more of these.  I didn't have any good feelings about this piece until I opened up the kiln.  Actually I thought it would be a dud.  And then it just started chattering and I couldn't help but love it.

These are some more of the pieces that were in that kiln load this week.  This is how they look after they were tumbled for about an hour.

Here are some that were also in that load but have not yet been tumbled.  Overall, I think the colors are a bit drab and I may brighten them up and refire them.

This is from a different kiln firing.  It is earthenware and is gloss glazed.  I added it to my website.  Quite a difference from the others.  I love these subtle browns. 

Would love to hear what you think about any of these.  Good or bad.


  1. Hi Mary,
    Interesting slip of the tongue, God or Bad-
    God makes everything beautiful and so do you.
    These are all amazing and gorgeous and I want them all.
    I really love the unique colors in your last piece too. WOW They are wonderful!!

  2. Love every single piece!

  3. Bit hard to tell the difference between tumbled or not tumbled, as you are showing different pieces. The colours are very earthy and I think the pieces make quite a statement.

  4. What stunning pieces, i just love the thistle and the daisy, love love love them.

  5. Mary, they are beautiful pieces and I can see why that thistle spoke to you. I really love what happens to your pieces when you tumble them. It just brings them to life.

  6. I have nothing bad to say at all, I love them all tumbled and un-tumbled! The thistle is incredible, such texture and depth.

  7. Anonymous7/11/10 22:36

    What can I say that hasn't been said.... your pieces looked beautiful and spoke before firing and now they are speaking even more, with tumbling or without, with adding more colour or not... Whatever you do to them you do them good, and to us because we all enjoy looking at your pieces.

  8. I LOVE the tumbled pieces and the daisy. So pretty!

  9. Love them all, beautiful work! Received my wonderful package. I can't even begin to express the joy I got from unwrapping all of those beautiful beads, pendants and jewelry. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

  10. I love all your pendants and your thistle ones amaze me.

  11. All are super! Love the colors typically.

  12. The blue in that first one is just stunning!!! Love these.

  13. Thank you to all of you for the great and helpful comments about the pieces in the kiln. I think I will have a giveaway about them. Will post it soon so hope you keep looking and comment on the giveaway. Again, I so appreciate all your wonderful comments.

  14. Love the tumbled look you achieve, the thistle is my favorite also, but those subtle browns are satisfying something in me right now.
    With every new piece you offer, Mary, I grow more and more respect for your work.

  15. I learned something new today...I did not know you can tumble ceramic beads! I especially love the thistle (I have one from two years ago) and the brown daisy half. Lovely!

  16. Wow that is a beautiful one on the Top! Lovein it! I really like your wintry colours! I wish I lived near you it would be fascinating to be hopefully asked to visit! lol..ox Janet

  17. Really wonderful Mary! Need to go shopping here soon!


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