
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday

I am participating in Heather Power's Bead Table Wednesday.   Today is the the day to upload a photo of what is on our bead tables.  I am working on several pieces at once: one of them is my necklace for Lorelei's Fusion Beads Challenge.  That one I will share on the reveal date, Jan. 20.  So today my photo is of a couple of new pieces I am working on.  One is a necklace with this gorgeous pendant I received in the mail from my friend Stefanie of Stefanies Sammelsurium . It goes beautifully with some of the glass beads from the Lorelei challenge.  The other piece is a necklace I am working on for a friend in Arizona.  It is long overdue so I am happy to have this BTW group to spur me along.  You can see what others are doing at their bead table by checking out the BTW Flickr group.


  1. Oh Mary, so glad you like it! Can't wait to see the finished piece. The beads are a perfect fit. Love the combo.

  2. Hi Stefani, Glad you like the color combo. Hope I can make it soon.

  3. Hi Deborah, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I so appreciate your positive enthusiasm.


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