
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Celebrating Beads 2011

Today is a Celebration of  Beads 2011:
Now that all of my beads that are in Beads 2011 are back home with me I thought I would share a group shot of the ones that were published in the magazine.

In case you don't know there is a fabulous Giveaway going on over at the  Art Bead Scene in celebration of Beads 2011.  You won't want to miss this one.  Here is the link.

And my personal note to Stringing Mag:

I want to thank Danielle Fox and Stringing Magazine for such kind and gentle treatment of my "lovelies". You photographed them so well and placed them in such fun groupings. And you packaged them up so carefully so that they would came home safely to me. I love it that I can always trust Stringing to take such good care of my work. And most of all I thank you for publishing them in Beads 2011. I love the whole issue. It is so great to have this magazine with all the creative energies in the bead world packaged together in one readable place!!


  1. Hi Mary, Stringing is my all time fav Bead Mag. and i have been admiring you components for a long time b4 we met blogging and i have the Beads 2011 too and can tell you every page your lovelies are on take care and have a great day!! ttfn L:)

  2. Woot! What a great note to Stringing. They really are a fantastic bunch of people. And your pieces are so very delightful. Thanks for sharing them with us!
    Enjoy the day!

  3. Love your pieces, Mary. Love them all, but I guess you already know that:-)

  4. Mary, I admired your beads in my copy of Beads 2011 - Congrats!


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