
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pictures from my Beading and Bracelet Classes

Now that I have my DSL back I can share some pictures from the two classes I taught last Friday, July 15 at the Thousand Islands Art Center.  The morning class was called Beaded Cabochon Pendant.  The students were very enthusiastic.  None of them knew how to do peyote stitch.  I did not expect them to.  The class was about learning to do peyote stitch and making a completed project in the 2 1/2 hours that we had.
They all did very well.  I think I should have made the class at least 3 hours, as a couple were not quite finished.  There were 7 students so I was busy.  They were wonderful, helpful to each other and very appreciate of my handmade ceramic cabochons.  I had a great time.

Student bead work around my wild grass cabochon

Student bead work around my wild leaves cabochon

Student bead work around my cluster daisy cabochon

Two of my students working  away and enjoying each other's company

It was quite a hot day and we were very happy that we were assigned the ceramics studio since there was cross ventilation and excellent light.

Copper Bracelet Class

From about 1:00PM to 5:00PM I  taught the copper bracelet class.  The above pic is a collage of the bracelets we made and my model.

Student bracelet. Love that detail around the edge of the disk with the "c" riveted to it.

I can't tell you how much the students loved hammering away on the blank pieces that were included in their kits.  I cut out all the copper disks myself and drilled holes in all of the washers.  I hand punched the holes in the copper disks since they were 22 gauge copper and soft enough for that punch.  But the washers were much harder and I had to use my drill press to make the holes.

Disc Cutter for the round  pieces

drill press for drilling the had copper washers.

Students working.  Tools everywhere.  The noise was incredible at times.  That is why we were in ceramics studio!!!

Student Bracelet.  You can see how individualized they are. Gorgeous original stampings on the round disk with the "e" riveted to it.  Everyone did a rivet, dapped, use patina, use a screw rivet, textured, hammered and were very creative.

She domed the toggle clasp.  A very nice touch.

She put a flower on the toggle clasp and made lots of wild stampings.  And she had on some incredible jewelry she had made.

I love it that she stamped "River" on her bracelet.  Clayton is such a beautiful river town and has such a wonderful vacation feel to it.  I love coming here.

This was the model from which I made the kits for the  class.  I love how the students worked their own individual magic on these components.   


  1. That must feel so rewarding to see such beautiful work come out of your classes. I'm amazed at how varied and original the bracelets came out.

  2. Very nice design in ceramic...the look and feel of the creations is happy and cheerful in vibrant melodies...nice creations.Nice to know of their bubbling interest.

  3. You've got to be an awesome teacher because these are amazing!

  4. Too cool! I love those cabochons. I admit that it is something mysterious to me how that is all done. I can't do it but I appreciate those who do! I would love to do some teaching but I am not sure what or where. I think you would be a great teacher to take a class from!
    Enjoy the day!

  5. Would love to take either class - your students did amazing pieces!

  6. Looks like a great day! I love the beaded cabs, they make your pieces look so wonderful! The copper bracelets are gorgeous! Your disc cutter is so cool!

  7. Wow - the bracelets look amazing. Wish I could have taken that class with you!

  8. Anonymous27/7/11 22:22

    Mary, You are a terrific teacher. I loved the copper bracelet piece and it is so much fun to see our work on your website. Hurry back to Clayton. We love your classes! Linda

  9. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. If you have a reply address on your comment I wrote you back personally. I so appreciate hearing from you. It is such fun to know that you are out there reading this. Thansk so much.


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