
Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Spring Gardening Day Sights and Signs

First Signs of Garlic

First and Second Signs of Chives

First Leaves  Black  Currants

First Leaves Raspberries

First Task--cut back the raspberries

How wonderful that we have had an early start on Spring.  Here is what I have been seeing and doing in my garden.


  1. It is lovely to see your garden wake up. It's one of my favorite times of year. My chives and garlic were green and growing all winter. It was so mild here. No raspberries here, yet. It is so such pleasurable work isn't it to get out there and get all of those spring tasks done. Much better than housework ;-)

    1. So great to hear from you LeAnn. Sending you all my best wishes in addition to all those emails.

  2. How wonderful to see these pushing up from the ground. It's been very rainy here so I haven't been able to do much in the garden, but I can see some green there, and the trees are gorgeous!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Yes, Alice. It is such a refreshing and hopeful sight. Hope it dries up soon so you can get into your garden. thanks so much for stopping my and leaving a comment.

  4. Mary, you have some wonderful plants popping up! What reward for you and your family...I wish I were more of a green thumb. I remember to water my boys' air plants (we have a half dozen varieties!)...does that count? :-)

    1. Yes, we are looking forward to them. Your air plants sound so interesting. Of course they count!! Thanks so for stopping by.

  5. I can't wait for the asparagus :-)

    1. Me Too!! Right now it is still covered with straw so that it doesn't pop up and get a freeze since our Spring weather is quite volatile ( changing drastically from day to day, at times.) Here in late May it really starts. I remember wonderful white Asparagus in your homeland. Here it is rarely seen but really it is about the same plant.

  6. Hopefully, next year I will have a garden again too...this is my fave time of the year...and fresh garlic is so yum!

  7. Got the activity this summer, i know where to start now.


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