I recently checked out the Beads of Clay photos on Flickr! and was excited to see so much color. It always amazes me that ceramic bead artists can create such tiny colorful wonders with clay. I want to devote this post to some of these amazing, brightly colored beads, buttons and pendants. You can click on any of the pictures to find out more about the artist and see their Flickr! portfolio.
This is a great and colorful pendant by Marlasmud. Really exciting colors.
Gorgeous flower bead
by annieo2006
These colors are truly flaming hot. A wonderfully playful bead by Melanie at Earthewood.
Gorgeous pinks by Joan Tucker at offcenterproductions.com
Wild and full of fantasy, this fish button by rusmar31
These jackets are so different, colorful and fun.
They are by embroideredsoul
Brightly painted salsa beads by LadyBrook
Colors and unique shapes from Natalie Gillihan
Beautiful color combinations so skillfully achieved from
shaterra clay
Great red and silver combo by Lisa Peters Art.
Incredible color and skill from Joan Miller of MillerPorcelain
Gaea's beautiful Day of the Dead necklace from gaeac
Exciting colors from Dilan
Great yellows in a cool format by vika

These incredible Tie Dye buttons are from Claybuttons. Hard to imagine how she did this. Cool.
A cameo in an incredible color by Yolanda Miramontes

I guess I didn't want to leave myself out. A multicolored pendant with several stringing holes for added decoration by MaryHarding of MaryHardingJewelry.
These great colors are achieved by skillful use of glazes. My all time favorite for lowfire earthenware clay is Mayco Stroke and Coat. These glazes come in a wide selection of colors and are very reliable. If you want really bright colors you need to put on three coats. I often don't use such bright colors and with one or two coats you get more of a watercolor effect with Stroke and Coat. I have recently seen that Duncan has come out with some very bright Neon Colors. I expect to have the purple and light green in the kiln by tonight. Duncan also makes a line of colors like Stroke and Coat but I haven't tried them.
For high fire clays like porcelain and stoneware Spectrum and Georgie's make good glazes. But that is not an area that I know much about. A good subject for another blog post.