This week I set my sights on finishing 3 beaded bracelets that I started some time ago. The pearl one in right angle weave (far right) must have been started at least 4 years ago and just sat around in an almost finished state all that time. It really only needed a clasp and a few tiny picots added on the side, and one bead repositioned.
My favorite in the batch is the peyote scallop shaped bracelet with my stoneware fired and tumbled handmade beads. It came out so much better than I thought it would. I had to add some of the beads to the surface of the bracelet since it was no longer possible to work them in as most of the others are. But it hardly looks that way. I also like the way the button fits in. When the clasp is closed on the wrist it looks really cool I think.
Thank you for stopping by and helping me be motivated to finish all these pieces.