Our local Arts Council sponsors an annual studio tour in the Fall to give the public a chance to visit local artists and to stimulate Holiday sales for artists. Ours was this last weekend. We were very lucky to have wonderful weather and the public came out for us. I was very busy both days and sales were very good.
I teamed up with a neighbor gallery for publicity--Ladies First Gallery of Art. Sally Hartman, the owner, wrote a newspaper article and I included her in my Studio Tour Newsletter. On the days of the event we sent our visitors to each other. I think it was a very successful collaboration.

In addition to our joint advertising, I offered a free make and take project in my studio to give visitors a chance to get into to the act of creating. I used the model piece above in my publicity and for the actual project. Visitors got to make a copper pendant and learned the skills of stamping, applying liver of sulphur patina ( I kept it in a separate well ventilated place (with the lid on), polishing with steel wool and using a hand held hole punch. Most folks made the pendant but some made a charm for a bracelet or a name tag for a pet. I forgot to take any pics of folks working but there were as many as four or five at a time banging away at once. Since the space that we worked in is quite large, it was a not in the jewelry showroom--- Thanks to my dear husband for giving over much of his shop for the event and heroic help in transforming his workspace into a gallery.
We used this heavy oak desk for our pounding and creating with copper
I used the above photo in my newsletter about the event and apparently it was a good idea, since I sold most of my new bracelets and some older ones as well. I just love the idea of an "arm party". Can't get enough of them on my arm at once.
Since I did not do the Studio Tour last year, I was more than average nervous throughout the first day. By Sunday I was getting much more comfortable and had even more fun with the visitors. Below are some shots of the set up from Sunday Morning. As I mentioned, I never thought of taking any photos when my guests were in the studio.
That wooden box is an upside down old coke box.
This is an overview of my set up. Very casual furniture!! The windows are great for light.
Some of my bracelets. Many missing due to being sold. More gone by Sunday evening. Thank you one and all for coming and making this event so much fun and successful.!!! Thank you St. Lawrence County Arts Council for sponsoring and promoting this wonderful annual event.
During both days of the event I wore the necklace I made in last years'
Bead Soup Blog Party with gorgeous beads from
Genea. It was a great conversation starter and was a good advertisement for my peyote stitch work that I had on display.