Saturday, May 09, 2009

RAW and Toggle

Here is a photo of one of my Right Angle Weave bracelets with one of my ceramic toggles. The suppleness of the beadweaving and the size of the seed beads seem to enhance my toggle. I love this combo. This particular bracelet has been donated to my daughter-in-law's school where they will be having an auction soon.
Those little copper beads (there are two of them) feature the earliest Spring flower the Trillium.

Saturday, May 02, 2009


Last week when I was recovering from the regular flu and spent a lot of time on the couch, I was able to view this DVD several times. I really like it and I have learned how to make rivets. It took a lot of practice as Susan tells us it will but I can now make a wire rivet with 16 gauge and 14 gauge wire.

As many, I have been an admirer of Susan Lenart Kazmer for many years. I have just recently purchased her book and now this video. I have never met her but I can tell that she is a very engaging person and in the DVD I found her to be a great teacher as well.

I bought my copy of the DVD from Beading Daily and it arrived speedily. I highly recommend this tutorial if you are burning to learn riveting as I was.

After many practice rivets, I made the piece below which I have enjoyed wearing. Metal is quite amazing. Now I hope to move on the riveting stones, glass and ceramics. We will see.

Raku Bead Video Part III