Porcelain Beads
I have been thinking about a word for 2012 and have come up with BEAD!!! as a daily challenge to myself.
I like that it is very open ended and have been trying it out since late Dec. Seems to work for me most days. I may have missed 1 or 2. So far I have glazed and fired the Porcelain beads above and made most of the beads in the following pictures.
Sunshine Charms
Doublewrap peyote stitch bracelets

Book Beads
Herringbone Beads
Made up the pattern and stitched quite a few of these Herringbone beads. They are quite versatile. I have put them in necklaces, earrings and bracelets.
The best part about a daily challenge is that it keeps the ideas flowing. I don't have a minimum requirement for what BEAD!!! means so if I am short on time just a few minutes will qualify. When I am not beading, I notice that I am thinking up projects or ideas for beads. So far it is stimulating and fun. Hope it lasts.